We established the client’s goals and requirements during the discovery phase, which were then consolidated in the sitemap and wireframes. The main result was developing a website that is much more user-friendly and future-proof than the old one, allowing Greenwich Dance to present their extensive classes and performances offer, as well as their Digital Stage activity – an ongoing blog that explores dance issues and insights.

Ticketing integration
Greenwich Dance had an admin-heavy booking system that wasn’t right for them. The team needed our help to find an easy-to-use alternative that served not only their performances and classes but also After School Clubs. We discussed their current processes in detail to understand what they’d tried before and why it wasn’t successful. Together, we created a list of must-have requirements for the new booking system and a list of their nice-to-have requirements. From this information, our team researched various booking systems and presented our findings to Greenwich Dance.
Once we decided on a solution, we added a custom integration of the booking system into the technical website architecture to allow for a seamless user experience. We carried out thorough end-to-end testing to make sure the new system met the Greenwich Dance team’s standards for their users and their own staff. Finally, we trained the Greenwich Dance team with the new system and continued to provide ongoing support.

Although we did not redesign Greenwich Dance’s logo, our aim was to soften the branding in order to make it more user-friendly and accessible. We focussed on the colour palette, as the client wanted to move away from their previous bright colour scheme, without necessarily turning their back on it. To do this, we developed an organic palette made of one primary (blue green) and four secondary colours. The palette also included their tints: lemon fizz, lime punch, poppy red and iced mango. The website makes use of the full palette in a natural and fun way.