Circus Sampler Digital Advertising

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Carousel GIF of different images we've created for our Circus Sampler

Circus Sampler was the biggest free outdoor contemporary circus event in central London and took place at Somerset House accompanied by Circus Originals, an exhibition in the East Wing Galleries. Circus Sampler celebrated 250 years since Philip and Patty Astley pioneered circus in London in 1768. These weekends took place at the end of July and the beginning of August 2018 on consecutive weekends and although they had similar audiences each weekend had different live acts. Part of our brief for this project was that the advertising spend had to be put towards increasing attendance to the overall event, whilst specifically targeting harder to reach audiences. We also helped to animate their logo for the trailers.

Google Advertising

Crying Out Loud instructed us to target people who are either disengaged with culture or who have little to no experience of the Arts. Additionally, they were very keen to get families with children under the age of ten to the events, which is not necessarily a typical audience for Somerset House. Therefore, the imagery and content had to appeal to both these demographics. Additionally, the client wanted to create an animated logo that could help bring cohesiveness to the variety of films they were planning with Andrew Poole. HdK Creative Director Raf created a concept and Liam created the animation that could be applied to the various trailers.

To try and reach as many interests as was possible, we created multiple adverts, some displaying all the acts, some only one and then others grouped by weekend. This not only demonstrated the variety present in these circus samplers, but it also enabled us to reach individuals in a way which was accessible to them. An example of this is people who had an interest in dance, typically found the physical theatre company adverts most engaging. In addition, the ads ran across Facebook, Instagram and Google, to reach lots of different online users.

Facebook Advertising

This campaign ended up being a success, gaining almost 11 million impressions and around 25,000 clicks to the website.

Sophia - Content Producer and Digital Consultant